
Pinning my days away.....

Wow, how can a girl get anything done during the wakeful hours when there is constantly new social media sites and new decor sites popping up all the time?
I got sucked into the whole Facebook thing, took a spin on Twitter (didn't like it at first, but now am back on), on LinkedIn (though I don't use it), and now Pinterest. I LOVE Pinterest! I mean L.O.V.E it!
I can just spend hours pinning my dream room makeovers for my house, pin a dream beach house that I do not own, pin dream vacations that I hope to be able to take someday, pin sayings that make me giggle, pin cute pictures of sweet baby animals, and pin recipes that I have thoughts of making someday. Pinning is like a black hole where time gets sucked into right before your eyes. But I do enjoy it.
If you find yourself on Pinterest as well, go ahead and follow me too. I won't feel so bad if I know there are others out there just as addicted as me.
Wish I husband would be as appreciative of my hours spent pinning, as my "pinned" husband.

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