
No More Sparkle

Recap on last night's Design Star All Stars. Is anyone watching this besides me? I am starting to wonder why I am watching it myself.
Last night the team was asked to redecorate a few rooms for Dancing with the Stars dancers, Jonathan Roberts and Anna Trebunskaya.
I really hate when they work in a team, for there is always drama and it doesn't really showcase any one's true design style I don't think. There's too much compromise between the designers and you don't know what each designer what have done differently had they been working alone. Anyway, just my two cents.

Here's what they started with...

This space was geared towards Anna. She needed to have furniture that she could easily move around if she needed to use the space for choreographing her dance routines. I wasn't crazy about this space, and definitely did care for the blue walls. Nice sofa though.

Dining Room before.

Dining Room after. I don't like those stripes in this space. The mirror and candles are awful, but I do love the woven chairs.

Jonathan's space before.

Jonathan's space after.
Again, not a fan of the blue walls. The TV and media area that Dan created was a pretty cool idea. I also liked the sectional and the table behind it.

So in the end, Sparkle Josh was sent home this week. Guess his sparkle wasn't quite bright enough.
I am hoping next week there will be less drama but then that wouldn't make good TV, would it?
What do you think of these spaces?

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