

Wow, where the heck have I been? Only 3 posts in November?! Man, I have really taken a break from this blog a little too much.
You'd think that I could come back here and show you or tell you all the MANY things I have accomplished during this time, but sadly I do not.
I've just been feeling a little overwhelmed and when I feel overwhelmed I just shut down and do very little.
So, I am here to say enough with that. No more moping around, this girl needs to get things DONE! These projects aren't going to get done themselves. {Sadly}
What do I have on the list? Well, where do I start? This list is more for me, and what I need to check off.
  • Christmas decorating
  • Christmas shopping
  • Finishing one of my daughter's bedroom makeover
  • Starting one of my other daughter's bedroom makeover
  • Finishing little touches in our family room makeover
  • Taking the bags of clothes to consignment, so my husband stops giving me that "look" every time he drives into the garage and sees them still sitting there.
  • Trying to finish a Unit in my Sheffield Interior Design program that I am taking
  • Oh, and just trying to keep up with everyday life stuff
I'm not going to cry and complain, since I know I am not alone in this game of huge lists of "to do's". And for you women, that can keep up without drowning, I bow down to your super powers.

Here is a little of what I've been up to lately.

Okay, well I can't really say I did the top picture of the outside lights. That credit goes to my husband. Thanks Honey!
Sorry, the tree is blurry. I need to figure out how to work my new DSLR camera. Another thing to add to my list.
Last picture is the current bedroom I am working on. It's been painted, Benjamin Moore's Gray Owl. New carpets have been installed. Now I just need to finish the painting of the trim. I can't wait to start decorating it, and I know my daughter is quite anxious as well. Hopefully, soon I'll be able to show you the after shots.
Those of you that follow my blog, thanks for hanging in there with me!

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