

Just a quick little post today, to let you in on some specials with Norwex this month.
I have been a consultant with Norwex for almost 5 years and I really can't emphasize it enough how much I love these products. I have eliminated all harmful chemicals from my house, my house is cleaner than ever (uh, that is when I do clean), I am saving money and I'm protecting the environment and my families health. Can you cleaning products do that?

Anyway, if you haven't heard of Norwex I guarantee it is not a scam. I don't have time in my life to try to scam others into buying something that don't need or doesn't work, and I wouldn't want to even if I did have the time. Plus, if you don't trust me, Norwex has a 60 day guarantee on all products.
Really, you should give it a shot! I swear you won't go back to your old way of cleaning.
You can read more about Norwex in my past post, here.

Here are the February Specials, they change month to month, so these are good for another week.

 For more products, please visit my website. If you have ANY questions at all please contact me. 

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