
I'm Feeling Lucky..

I have to say I'm feeling a little lucky lately. In the last few months I've won 3 giveaways from other blogs.
I one a betwixt lumber size pillow cover in indigo that I had my eye on for a long time from Jill @ Forever Cottage and Spark Modern.

Doesn't it look good with my new bedding?

I also won a pink throw from Charmaine @ My Best Friend Craig and Land's End. I gave it to my youngest daughter, and by the way it is super cozy!

She's next in line for a bedroom makeover but the blanket will still work in the new scheme of things.

And just recently, I won a Sunday Set Up Plan (product of Kathy Kaehler) from Melanie @ My Sweet Savannah and Janette Mallory. I am SO excited to do this plan. It is an online club that gives you access to Kathy's plan of setting up, prepping and storing food for the week. Healthy meal recipes, shopping lists and fitness advice. Who couldn't use a little help getting meal ideas and learning how to prep for the week, so meals are easy to prepare and also healthy? I know I sure could. Thinking of what to make each night is sometimes a big downer.
As soon as I get access to this plan and give it a whirl, I will definitely post about it. If you'd like to check it out for yourself, you can go here.

Now, I don't want you to forget I'm doing a little giveaway myself. It's not the traditional giveaway, you do need to purchase something to be entered. But it's for a good cause. My middle daughter is going on an educational trip to China this summer and it's to raise money for the trip. To see my fundraiser and giveaway, please go here. You have one more week to enter, it closes February 14th.
Thanks so much and good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stacey! I nominated you for a Liebster Award. Go check it out on my blog to find out more...


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