
Spring/Summer Fun @ PB Teen

As I am just wrapping up a room makeover for my almost 14 year old daughter (yikes! how did that happen?), and I am gathering things to soon do a makeover for my almost 12 year old daughter (double yikes!), I have been scouting lots of different teen/tween stuff.
I found a few fun new items on Pottery Barn Teen and I thought I'd share them with you.

I just LOVE the colors on this chevron duvet cover! It's so spring like and fun!! And aren't those lights amazing?? Like little disco lights.
 This is a very fun headboard. If we were buying one for any of the girls, this would definitely be in the running.
I thought this was a fun and different one too. I really like the nail head trim. It also comes in pink and teal.

 These pillows are super cute as well. Too bad I already purchased our pillows.

And this chandelier! OMG. LOVE IT!
These chairs are so great and ironically I have the exact chair in my garage waiting for a makeover for the 12 year old's room. So excited to see what it will look like after I'm done with it.

Anyway, I will share my almost 14 year old's room with you one of these days. I am just waiting for a clear, sunny day and when the room is clean. Yeah, I know for both of those things to happen on the same day around here are pretty slim! Keeping fingers crossed it'll be soon.
To see my mood board inspirations for both girls, go here and here.

So, what's your favorite new item from PB Teen?


  1. Sooo much cute stuff there! Makes me itch to makeover Mila's nursery into a little girl's room... but at the same time, NO RUSH! haha. I can't wait to see what you do. I know it'll be gorgeous!

    Kelly @ View Along the Way

  2. What a lucky teen - just love your inspiration and the chandelier...fabulous. Happy to be your newest follower!!


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