
Stay With Me

If you follow blogs then I am sure you've heard that Google Reader will be obsolete starting tomorrow, July 1st. If you follow me through Google Reader, please switch over and follow me through either signing up for email delivery, or another rss source. I am so thankful and flattered for everyone that has pushed that follow button and would hate to loose anyone of you!
I have heard conflicting thoughts on if Google Friend Connect will be disappearing too, so on the safe side I would switch over to another source so you don't loose all your blog feeds that you follow.
I have switched over to Bloglovin myself. You can follow me here. It is very easy to use, and similar to Google Reader.
I have also heard Feedly is a good one as well.
Also, you can find me on any of the other social medias, listed on my side bar. When I am not posting, I am usually adding new photos onto Instagram the most. Would love to follow you on there as well.
Thank you so much and have a great Sunday!


Target + FEED USA

I am so excited to see these products come to Target on Sunday, June 30th.

Target has teamed up with Feed USA, and with these products, funds will go towards fighting hunger here in America. This is such a great idea for this charity and I am confident that it will be very successful. Side note, did you know the creator of Feed USA, Lauren Bush Lauren is the niece of former President George W. Bush, and granddaughter of former President George Bush, AND she is the daughter in law of designer, Ralph Lauren?

Here is a quick look at some of the collection coming to Target very soon.

I have found LOTS that I want to purchase. And hey, it's for a good cause right?
Isn't that red gingham cookware perfect for a 4th of July party?
What catches your eye? Anything you will be rushing in to buy?
Also, if you go to Feed USA's site, they have a lot more products there too. So go check them out.


Bathroom Envy

Well, hello!
 As summer is here, and the kids are out of school, I am sad to say that my post will be random at best. Seriously to all that put a post out everyday on your blog, I tip my hat to you.
Today, I just wanted to share this photo of a bathroom I found on Pinterest. It totally stopped me in my tracks. ( if you aren't following me on pinterest, you can do so HERE)


I love the stripe shower curtain, the sconce lighting, the collage of mirrors, the console table turned into sink base, the sink and the faucets coming from the wall. Love it!
It's inspiration photos like this that make me feel I need to step out of my box more and be more daring and try something new. What about you?