
Stay With Me

If you follow blogs then I am sure you've heard that Google Reader will be obsolete starting tomorrow, July 1st. If you follow me through Google Reader, please switch over and follow me through either signing up for email delivery, or another rss source. I am so thankful and flattered for everyone that has pushed that follow button and would hate to loose anyone of you!
I have heard conflicting thoughts on if Google Friend Connect will be disappearing too, so on the safe side I would switch over to another source so you don't loose all your blog feeds that you follow.
I have switched over to Bloglovin myself. You can follow me here. It is very easy to use, and similar to Google Reader.
I have also heard Feedly is a good one as well.
Also, you can find me on any of the other social medias, listed on my side bar. When I am not posting, I am usually adding new photos onto Instagram the most. Would love to follow you on there as well.
Thank you so much and have a great Sunday!

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