
Tranquil Teen Room

While my daughter #2 is away on an exciting trip to China, I have been able to get into her room, clean, organize, and add a few touches. Guess it takes a child to leave the country to get stuff done huh?

Since this will only stay clean for a little while, until she returns, I thought I'd finally get around to taking photos of her room for posterity.

We have three daughters, and live in a three bedroom home. The two youngest daughters  (now 14 and 12) shared a very large room from the birth of the youngest until about a year and a half ago, when our oldest who is now 22 moved out on her own. {gulp}

When she moved out, I thought there would be bickering between the younger two on who would have the large room all to themselves but surprisingly my middle daughter wanted the smaller room. Okay....

So, we redid the room for her and it is now complete.... I think.

Of course, this is not entirely the way I would like to have decorated the room, but this child has very specific wants, and it is her room after all. When I walk into this room, I do feel very calm (except for when there are clothes scattered all over and homework, books, papers littering the floor). It has a very tranquil feeling and for this child, it is exactly what she needs!



Pretty simple and that's the way she likes it. I adore the colors, but wished she had let me have chosen different drapes and added more to the walls or add in more colors. I'd also like to add a big area rug under her bed to add another color and pattern, and I'd even like to switch out her shades on her lamps. Hopefully some crown molding will be added as well. Maybe in time she'll let me play around a little more with her room.
Other than the occasional tornado that she creates in her room ( like most teenagers), she doesn't like a whole lot of knick-knack type stuff. As I helped her do this room, I found out that she gets overwhelmed with too many things in her room, so we kept it very simple. And for this small space of a bedroom, we couldn't really add too much else anyways.
Where is her dresser, you may be wondering... it just happened to be the perfect size to slip into her closet. The only dilemma we had with that was where to put her shoes?  The toy box  chest at the foot of her bed is now where her shoes are thrown into and has worked out great. I am actually hoping to have a cushion custom made to put on top of the chest.
Little details about her room:
Paint color: Gray Owl by Benjamin Moore
Headboard: Pier One
Duvet cover, shams and drapes: Zgallerie
Sheets: PB Teen
Throw pillows: PB Teen
Desk: Best Buy (online) rather cheap one though, if done over I would of stepped up and paid for a higher end one.
Chair and slipcover: Pottery Barn
Nightstands and lamps: Target
Toy box/chest: Crate and Barrel
She added shells from one of our trips to Hawaii, and the photo on the wall was a photo we took on our most recent trip to the Big Island. The London pillow was a nod to one of her favorite boy bands, One Direction and also singer, Ed Sheeran.
Anyway, that's the scoop on her room. Next up will be the room of daughter #3 and revamping it now that she's got the BIG O' Room to herself. Hopefully, I will have photos before too long.


  1. Love it! Fresh, cool and simple! :-)

  2. Glad you posted these pics - your daughter's room is so pretty! I have to say that I'm jealous that your daughter doesn't like knick knacks. Both of my girls LOVE knick knacks and never want to get rid of any of them so it's such a battle to keep their rooms from looking like a cluttered mess!

  3. I love the idea of a cushion for the chest. I think it's a great opportunity to add some contrast and a comfy perch for putting on shoes ;)

  4. I love your daughters room it is so peaceful and I love the cool colors. We just started redoing my daughters room and she choose the same color scheme but added some coral to the mix.

  5. Stacey I love love love this room! It's so calm and yet cheerful and fun, with that shade of blue at the windows and on the bed. My daughter has that same color on her walls and it is definitely a happy color. The pared-down-ness of your daughter's "stuff" is what is so impressive - and gives the room that tranquil feel. Fab job!

  6. Love the colors - very calm and inviting! Great job and thanks for linking up!

  7. What a beautiful room. My daughter would love this.


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