
Life Lately per Instagram

Summer has been flying by and this blog has definitely been taking a back seat.
Thought I'd share some pics of what's been going on lately in no particular order...

Spending time eating al fresco, and hosting a few small dinner parties.

With all my favorite shows being on hiatus for the summer, I've found a few new favs and some old ones returning.
The Bachlorette is on of my guilty pleasures, along with Pretty Little Liars, and a lot of shows on Bravo.
Super excited to watch the Bachelorette finale tonight, and inviting a couple of my girlfriends over to watch with me so we can talk to the tv together!

OMG! Took both my 14 & 12 year old daughters to the One Direction concert in Seattle. My ears seriously rang the whole next day! I think some damage was done. Sorry, what?
Apparently the new way to show you like a song is to scream a blood curdling scream in the highest pitch you can. If you clap like me after a song, you.are.a.nerd! 

Still working on my dining room, and living room and adding things to my new shelves. I am loving the way these rooms are turning out and can't wait to show you when they are both done.

While daughter #3 was away at camp, I had to say goodbye to this sweet this girl's room and paint over the flowers, birds and butterflies. You will be missed. :(
So, while she was gone I had to bust out some quick painting. The ceiling was painted a fun turquoise color, the walls white, and a fun green stripe was added. I will do a post soon on how to make a (new to me) way to make a super straight line on textured walls.
Also, excited to share this room when its complete. Loving it so far....

Girls did a golf camp, and we did a family night of golf. Love this shot with my daughter trying to photo bomb us!

We've done a couple soccer tournaments, and have one more this summer on our list.

Got new pillow cases for the living room, and absolutely love these! Will show room soon....
Spent a little time at the beach with the girls and their friends...
Daughter # 2 and my husband went on a little adventure this summer....

And a little sneak peek of a chair I will be redoing for said daughter's room above... Well, I will be painting the wood, and have a professional redo the fabric.

So, that about sums up my summer so far. Hope yours has been going well too. Any fun projects or vacations lay ahead of you in this final month?
I am a bit obsessed with Instagram lately too. So fun seeing projects other bloggers/ designers are working on and seeing into their lives a bit with family photos, and vacations. Feel a little bit of a stalker.
If you'd like to follow me, find me at Steward of Design on Instagram and follow along! 


  1. I am already stalking you on Instagram…isn't it so fun? And easy, versus finding the time to blog in the summer? Looks like you are all having a wonderful summer! Did you husband and sweetie pie #2 go on a voyage to the Great Wall of China???…..oh and your dining room is looking fabulous!! Love the curtains and the bookcases together on that wall!

  2. Wow - you've been a busy girl! Loving how your dining room is looking and can't wait to see your daughter's new room!


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