
Progress on "Paint it White"

Finally our dark stairway got a little face lift. Not a full on facelift, where you don't recognize it but just a little nip and tuck. I may still do some touch ups eventually to the stairway, like some sort of wainscot or trimwork, wall art and I am thinking of painting the oak black,
but for now it's just a whole lot lighter.



 I know, not that exciting but it has made a world of difference in making it more light in this very dark area of the house.


  1. I can see what you mean Stacey! One project down at least! Good job on this one!

  2. Looks great, Stacey!!! We're on a mission to paint our downstairs too....may not go stark white, but we're going much lighter!!!

  3. Oh definitely much lighter and brighter! It looks great! Your posts on the bannister are so pretty - I love square ones.

  4. Looks so much fresher! I've thought about painting our oak too - you do yours first so I can see how it looks, okay?! :)

  5. There is nothing like fresh paint. I love it. I just had our upstairs hall painted white. It looks so much bigger.


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