
New Resolutions

This blog has definitely been neglected this past year. Maybe it's the early stages of 2017, a new fresh start of a new year but I am excited to get back to blogging and talk about all things home decor.

It has been so easy to just post one photo on Instagram and be done with it but as of late feel I have more to talk about and share than what I can do in that one little square box. However, don't get me wrong, I am still obsessed with IG and love getting so much inspiration from the people I follow, so I won't be leaving IG anytime soon. I am truly a visual addict!

So in short I hope that I will be back on the blog more this year but I won't commit to how many days a week, because just like any diet I've been on I am sure to fail that commitment. All in moderation, right?

First thing I'd like share with  you are a few (VERY LATE) photos of our house this past Christmas. I know Christmas was so last year, people are already planning Easter by now. Anyway, here are a few shots of the house decked out for the holidays, if you follow me on Instagram you probably already saw them though.

Tomorrow I'll show you some before and after shots of our powder bathroom.  

For those of you that have stuck along despite my lack of posting, Thank You and Happy New Year!

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