
Happy First Birthday Blog!

Wow! How does time fly by so fast? It was one year ago on May 6th, that I started this little blog. I began writing to no one really, as I am guessing that is how most of us started out. Here is my first post and why I started in the first place.
I knew this blogging community was great before I started this blog, but I just never guessed on how sweet and supportive a lot of the other bloggers and readers have been to me.
I don't have a huge following and that's okay. Maybe I will gain some more as time goes on, and if I don't that's okay too. I am just SO appreciative of those that are following me, and for all of you that leave comments. You have no idea how it lightens up my day!
My goal for this year is to finish my course with Sheffield. Seriously it needs to be done like NOW. And I will try to very hard to be more consistent on my posts. I know I have been very sporadic with them.

In other news, I was contacted the other day by a designer/blogger that I met at the Design Camp in Seattle earlier this month, Courtney from Illustrated Kitchen and Bath.  She awarded me the Liebster Award. The Liebster award is something that new bloggers give out to other new bloggers to sort of share the love and maybe share some readers. Who doesn't love to be introduced to new blogs out there?
I was very honored that she included me. To be honest, I was actually given this award from Julie of Longhorns and Lilacs are few months back. I was super honored for her to include me as well, but sadly I just spaced off doing the post. Ugh, sorry Julie! Please go to Julie's blog and be sure to say hi.
Okay, so how this works is:
If the nominee decides to accept the award, he/she must:
1. Answer the 11 questions posed

2. Post 11 facts about themselves

3. Nominate 5-11 bloggers

4. Tell them they have been nominated
5. Create a list of 11 questions for the nominees to answer

So, here it goes:
11 Questions given to me:
  1. What’s your favorite season? Fall
  2. What’s your best advice for new bloggers? Don't be afraid to reach out to other bloggers for help or advice
  3. Are you glass 1/2 full or glass 1/2 empty? I'd like to think I'm half full
  4. Coffee or tea? Definitely coffee
  5. What’s your favorite magazine? I have so many favorites, but Coastal Living the best
  6. Pick four words to describe yourself. Introverted, loyal, open minded, giving
  7. List your three favorite online shopping sites. Etsy, Pottery Barn, Joss & Main
  8. Night owl or morning person? Night Owl
  9. Which do you prefer: ocean or lake? Ocean
  10. Where do you get your best blog inspiration? Life, other bloggers,  & Pinterest
  11. PC or Mac? PC
11 Facts about Me:
  1. I live in the city where I was born
  2. I met my husband on a blind date set up by two of our close friends
  3. I won a prize as a guest of Live with Regis & Kathie Lee, while visiting NYC and was on TV
  4. After seeing Flashdance as a child, I wanted to live in a warehouse and become a dancer.
  5. Had a HUGE crush on C. Thomas Howell growing up.
  6. First time on a plane was to NYC and without my parents
  7. First concert was Pearl Jam (I'm from Seattle, duh)
  8. My favorite smells are peppermint, coffee and garlic
  9. I have three daughters
  10. In highschool I wrote a paper saying I wanted to be an interior designer for yachts and another year, I wrote I wanted to write a screenplay
  11. Must visit Italy
Now, I would love to pass on the torch to the following bloggers: ( I thought I'd reach out to some of my blog followers that have had their blog for a year or less)
Andrea from The Glam Pad
Leslie from Pillow Love
Petie from Inspired Nesting
Nominees, if you wish to accept this mission and continue to spread the love to new bloggers... Here are YOUR questions:
11 Questions about You:
1. Where were you born?
2. What is your biggest accomplishment?
3. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
4. What did you want to be when you were young?
5. What movie had a huge impact on you?
6. What is your favorite tv sitcom?
7. Your first concert?
8. First job?
9. Country or Pop or Rap?
10. Beach or Mountains?
11. Dream Vacation?




  1. Happy anniversary to your blog!!!!!!


  2. Well done - hope you have many more xx

  3. Happy Blog Birthday! It is such a fun community to be a part of! And congrats on the Liebster award, too. It was fun learning new things about you. :)

  4. Happy Birthday and congrats to you on the Liebster! just found you blog and I'm your newest follower!


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